Mūsų projektai

NET-WORKS to ensure the long- term integration of Third-Country Nationals Survivors of Trafficking promoting job opportunities and work-life balance measures 2022m. – 2024m.

eu veliava

Co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union.

Why Net-Works

THB is a serious crime addressed through a legal and policy framework which places focus on the need for human rights-based and gender-specific approaches. THB forms that are most reported within the EU is for the purpose of sexual exploitation (67%), and most victims are women (95%).

Following identification and meeting of the basic needs of victims of trafficking, employment, together with work-life balance measures and childcare support, appears to be the most important factor in the process of integration, enabling women to become financially independent and self-sufficient in the long-term.

According to OECD 2020, immigrant women remain overall at higher risk of exclusion from the labour market. Enhancing women’s labour market participation is under the Europe 2020 strategy as way to reach the target of lifting 20 million people out of poverty or social exclusion and achieving a 75% employment rate. COVID-19 severely shaped national/EU priorities with the most vulnerable becoming even more marginalized and it is fundamental to activate practices that reduce this new phenomenon through new protection and assistance measures for all victims of trafficking, including work permits and access to services.

Our Initiative

NET-WORKS is an AMIF (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund) programme that aims to enhance the integration of the third-country nationals (TCN) girls and women survivors of trafficking for sexual exploitation. It seeks to prevent re-trafficking via transnationally coordinated empowerment and tailored programs focused on job placement and work-life balance measures for facilitating durable solutions of integration in Italy, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Latvia and Lithuania.

Our Goals

Our Approach

An intercultural approach will be used in order to ensure a real integration and to guarantee the respect of the victims’ individual peculiarities. Moreover, a victim-centred approach including a gender perspective will be ensured. Thanks to the high-level expertise of the partners, enriched by the comparison with other European experiences and by the piloting an effective pilot programme for job integration of SOT will be produced and disseminated in 5 countries: Italy, Spain, Germany, Latvia and Lithuania.


30.11.2023 Final conference in Rome